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Ad words – The New Age of Advertising

Ad words – The New Age of Advertising

Unless you are living under the caves or rock for the past twenty-five years, we bet you have seen all types of Google ads without even knowing that you are going through the advertisement. Maybe you were looking for a set of regular sneakers, and accidentally a discount on Google search led you to purchase a set of sneakers. Have you recognized that these were Google Ads?

Many of us will find it challenging to decode the process of Google Ads. However, the method gets much easier once you crack the ice gradually.

We will be looking at the:

  • Different Google advertising terms
  • Types of Google Ads
  • How to boost sales using various formats

Let’s dive into the article.

Types of Google Ads or Ad words:

If we talk about the various kinds of Google Advertisement, there are eight Ad Campaigns with Google Ads or Ad words.

  • Search Ads:

It reaches consumers engrossed in your product or service with text ads.

  • Display Ads:

It runs various types of ads across the web or emails.

  • Video Ads:

It engages and retains the viewers on YouTube and across the web.

  • Shopping Ads:

It promotes product listings with shopping ads.

  • App Ads:

It will kick your app promotion across Google’s Network.

  • Smart Ads:

It will approach your marketing intentions with automatic ads on Google and across the web.

  • Physical Ads:

It will help the customers to reach physically to your business location.

  • Discover Ads:

It will promote your business when the Google feeds opens.

Terms associated with Google Ads or Ad words:

Before starting with the explanation of Google Ads, we will first progress and understand the terms associated with Google Ads to learn more about how Google Advertising works.

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads is an advertising service offered by Google, formerly known as Ad words. It helps the people to advertise the businesses with ads on Google search and across the Google Network. It gets based on a pay-per-click (PPC) where the advertisers need to pay per click.


The process of Google Ads resembles an auction. If you want to advertise your business on Google, you need to bid the price. It means you need to select the maximum amount of money you are willing to pay for an advertisement. Higher bidding means better ad placements.

Ad Campaign:

A set of various ads having the same budget, location, targeting, and other user settings.


Keywords are the phrases that describe your product or service. Keywords help us to determine where and when your ads will appear.


A user performs the action you wanted, leading to conversion. (Forming a buying, signing up for a newsletter.)

As you will start running the ad campaigns, you will learn more about various other terms. For now, the above terms are sufficient for knowing the basics of an ad campaign.

Varieties of Google Ad campaigns:

Now, if you are familiar with Google Ads terms, let’s dive into the different Google Ad Campaigns and understand them in detail.

Google Search ads:

It attracts people searching for your products.

Google search ads are text ads that appear to the potential targeted customers on the Google search engine result pages (SERPs). These ads either appear on the top or the bottom of the organic search results.

Best used for:

Getting in front of the people who search for your product or business.



Display Ads:

It generates brand awareness.

Display ads are different from search ads. Search ads help to find potential customers with the help of targeted keywords. Display ads are image-based ads that allow targeting the customers who are looking for similar types of products.

Display ad campaigns generally appear when you are browsing your favorite websites or even inside your email accounts.

Best used for:

Increase in brand awareness and reaching potential clients early in buying cycle.

Google Display Network:

Google uses the Google display network to show your display campaigns to potential customers. It is a network of more than two million web pages, apps, and videos.

You can set the target audience and the time of display ads to be shown.

The preferences are set according to the audience’s gender, age, and interests.

Video Ads:

It helps to get in front of your target audience.

Since YouTube relates to Google, you can target your potential audiences on YouTube based on the algorithm. With 2 billion users online, you have a huge audience to target.

Your video ad campaigns are placed before, during, or after the video and in search results.

With the help of video ads, you can utilize demographic targeting and reach your ideal customers as per their age, gender, and interests.

During the video streaming, YouTube allows skipping the videos. It still has a five-second timer, which is enough to deliver the right message to your audience.

Shopping ads:

It helps in advertising to the shoppers who are ready to buy.

Google shopping ads are product-based ads. They are designed for product searches.

Shopping ads provide information about a particular product to the customers such as product title, price, store name before visiting the website.

Best used for:

Boosting the E-commerce traffic and increasing sales.
App ad campaigns:

It increases your app installations.

Are you having a mobile app for your business? If yes, you can sell it with Google’s most extensive network like Play store, YouTube, Search engines, and Google Display Network.

Best used for:

Creating ads to encourage the target audience for app installation.

BONUS: Discovery Ad Campaigns:

Discovery ads are a new type of Google ad that helps reach your target audience with the help of YouTube Home, watch next feeds, social tabs, E-mail accounts, and much more using a single ad campaign.

Wrapping up:

Congratulations, you have read everything that needs to be understood while working or knowing about ad campaigns. With different types of ad campaigns available, you must choose the ad campaigns wisely with proper format.

Last but not the least, you should check Google Analytics to see how well your Google ad campaigns are performing, and you may make the changes.

If you are looking for experts to guide you through the process, feel free to contact us.

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